Gaming advances through the world
Gaming advances through the world
In a pandemic Coronavirus locked-down world, the feeling of helplessness can be overwhelming. But today’s machines can do miracles. They can help us to contribute directly or passively to the advancement of science. The choice is ours. And the great thing about it is that one does not require any medical expertise. If you are a good gamer, then you are in. Gaming advances through the world and Games are an ideal platform as they unite people through the lens of pleasure, aim, and value. Gaming helps gain positivity through this crisis. Billions of players around the world, are playing games which could help in the pursuit of saving lives.
Some of the Beneficial AI based Games recommended for Coronavirus Lockdown
Foldit is a revolutionary crowdsourcing computer game enabling you to contribute to important scientific research. In the case of the coronavirus research, all we have to do is play a free game available. The Coronavirus Foldit game displays the part of the coronavirus protein, which usually interacts with humans. The players have to design a folded protein to match the coronavirus and block those interactions.
Emoji ScavengerHunt is an experiment that leverages the power of neural networks and your phone’s camera to identify the real-world versions of the emojis we use every day.
Quick, Draw! is a game whereby the user has to draw something, and the AI has to guess what it is.
Intelligent Piece of Paper shows how a program can play the game of Tic-Tac-Toe and win by following straightforward rules.
Mitsuko is one of the most advanced chatbots currently in existence.It is recommended for older children since it can deal with mature topics ranging from the coronavirus, world history and much more.
Sentence Generator(Experimental) gets an image as input and creates a caption for that image. It does so by understanding the objects which make up the image and giving them a label.
Thing Translator takes a photo of an object and gives us a description of it using a natural language (such as Spanish, Italian, etc.) of our choice.
Apart from this there are other games that help the audience pass time and forget the world around us.
Gaming Technology specialization, offered as a four year B.Tech course at VIT Bhopal includes not only the art of game development, but also incorporates courses on competitive programming, game design and mechanics, human computer interaction, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science concepts. Some of our pipeline includes World Design, Scripting, Storyboarding, Character Design, Animation, UI/UX Design, Lighting and Asset Design. In addition to that, the department is working on niche areas like AR (Augmented Reality) & VR (Virtual Reality) and artificial computer-generated simulation which will be very helpful in analyzing the gamification-based disease identification in real time. We are also in the phase of developing cloud-based gaming which allows gamers to play without requiring high-powered hardware utilizing the intensity of the cloud to stream games into their gadgets.