Bioengineering A branch like Bioengineering is like a small new leaf on a tree, which is developed because of the constant work and evolution of the tree throughout. The course of bioengineering might be new to the world but its roots are age old and very deep in the scientific world. The need to unite the two diverse fields of sciences – Biology and Engineering was felt and they were...Read More
Is India ready for Advanced Cyber Crimes?
Is India ready for Advanced Cyber Crimes? A combination of digitalization and comparative digital immaturity is creating India so vulnerable to a rising, and progressively more diverse barrage of cyber-attacks. According to global expert services firm EY, India accounts for 3% of the systems from corner to corner of the world that has been intruded and is controlled by criminals. And if so,...Read More
Do you know that we are at ‘unreported’ high risk now??
Do you know that we are at ‘unreported’ high risk now?? With the ingress of digitization in our everyday lives, digital and cybercrime are proliferating at an alarming rate. A survey (Do you know that we are at ‘unreported’ high risk now?? ) conducted recently showed that India is ranked third among other countries globally where most of the threats were detected. And do you know that we are...Read More
Cyber Terrorism: Who can deal with it?
Cyber Terrorism: Who can deal with it? With the increased usage of computers, electronic gadgets and internet, there has been an unprecedented growth in the abuse of the fake cyber world by criminals and anti-social foundations. In this blog let us see about the Cyber terrorism and who can deal with it. Crimes are now gradually rising using the internet as a medium. Such crimes have been...Read More
Highly Paid Generation-Next Jobs: Cyber-Crime Investigator & Digital Evidence Examiner?
Highly Paid Generation-Next Jobs: Cyber-Crime Investigator & Digital Evidence Examiner? Once you have your qualification and/or certification as a cybercrime investigator & Digital Examiner, you’re then ready to get a Highly Paid Generation –Next Jobs. Jobs in this field can bring in a salary of around $98,350 per year. Without a hesitation the answer can be yes, every individual has...Read More
Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering Bioengineering program has the wide application areas ranging from genetic engineering, tissue engineering to biomaterials, artificial implants, and biomedical instrumentation. Amongst these sub disciplines of Bioengineering, Genetic engineering is having remarkable contributions in the development of agricultural, food, biopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical industries in...Read More