Engineering Projects in Community Service
Engineering Projects in Community Service
VIT Bhopal has paved the way for innovations in curriculum design and implementation and has revolutionised the concept of teaching learning in higher education through technology.
Apart from introducing technology in teaching, under the leadership of Ms Kadhambari S Viswanathan, VIT Bhopal has initiated a course “Engineering Projects in Community Service ” (EPICS) with an objective to provide Community service to enable the students to acquire life skills and knowledge, as well as provide a service to society through education.
Undergoing this two credit course, requires students, to identify real life problems, through field trips, awareness camps, surveys in nearby villages and experience the social requirements.

The solutions to the problems identified could be a prototype/software/app development/product design. Projects like ‘Solution for Smart Farming Using Thermal Sensors’ or Smart stick for Blind using Android Application support’ have been implemented successfully by our students.
The outcome of such projects is evaluated on the basis of economical, societal, environmental, demographic feasibility and implementation.
Participating in the EPICS projects helps students to engage with the community and develop civic and social responsibility skills and become more aware of what their community needs.