The School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SEEE) was established in the year 2017 at VIT Bhopal University and offers Undergraduate, Post-Graduate and Doctoral programmes. The School is a hub of the state-of-the-art studios and laboratories in the areas of Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics, Embedded Systems, Sensors, IoT, Microwave and Optics, VLSI, Micro-processor and Micro-controller, AC machine, Analog communication, Digital Communication, and DC Machine. The faculty members of the school have wide range of expertise in the fields of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Hydro Power System Optimization, Flexible AC Transmission Controllers, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, VLSI design, Electric Drives, Microgrids and Computer Networks.
School of Electrical &
Electronics Engineering
About the School

To be a school of excellence in the domains of electrical engineering, electronics engineering and communication engineering empowering aspirants and scholars in academia and industry for research, innovation and sustainable development.
- Develop engineering competency of graduates by providing contemporary education along with leader ship and entrepreneur skills for innovation and product development.
- Collaborate with electronics and electrical manufacturing industries both at national and international platform for research, consultancy and skill development.
- Upgradation of studios and laboratories by collaborating with industries and academic institute of national importance.
- Enrich aspirants’ skill set though research projects and industry internships.
- Impart holistic teaching and learning by innovative educational pedagogies.
- Learn and practice engineering knowledge through integration of class room and laboratory into a single platform of “studio”.
- International exposure for students and faculties through exchange programs in institutes of national and international importance.
- Train faculties for upgradation of skills by collaborative training with industries, academic institutes and R&D centres.
- Practice quality engineering education and equip students with necessary core competency in the domain of electronics engineering, electrical engineering, and other advanced and interdisciplinary areas to develop career path in engineering/ entrepreneurship/research.
We Offer the following Programmes
UG Programmes
PG Programmes
Salient Features:
- Laboratories as per International Standards
- Faculty from diverse research specializations
- Major and Minor degrees offered
- Semester Abroad Programme
- Curriculum aligned with the current industrial requirements
- Elective courses covering the latest technologies and future employment trends
- Value added programmes and certification courses
- Curriculum flexibility for multidisciplinary skills
- MOU with Hanseo University, South Korea for exchange of faculties and students in both academics and research

Message From The Dean
Welcome to the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. In this highly competitive environment and fast changing technology, it is quite crucial to offer outstanding academic excellence and we at SEEE, persistently work towards achieving the same. The School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, from the very moment of its establishment stayed committed to providing top grade education, delivered and guided by its eminent faculty members. Our well-qualified faculty members ensure interactive, vibrant and intellectually stimulating classroom environment – all being mindful of the students coming from multi-lingual backgrounds. The school has sophisticated laboratories, studios and state-of-the-art teaching-cum-learning methodologies to meet international standards. The students and the faculty fraternity of the school are committed to accomplish our mission for sustainable development of humanity through education and research. Finally, I would like to invite all those seeking knowledge and aspiring engineers to visit our website or make a campus visit, for more information and direct interactions.