Our Faculty

Dr. Venkat Padhy
Division Head & Associate Professor
Email: venkat.prasad@vitbhopal.ac.in
Venkat Prasad Padhy, obtained his PhD from SERC, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India. His research interests include application of Computational Electromagnetics (CEM) for solving real world problems such as Radar Cross Section (RCS) computation, RCS from Aircraft Wake-Vortex, RCS of stealth aircrafts, RCS enhancement and reduction, Antenna Simulations, High Performance Computing (HPC) using MPI, OpenMP, GPU – CUDA, OpenACC on heterogeneous architectures and platforms. Along with the PhD, he also worked with Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA, DRDO) and SAMEER, Chennai (Department of Electronics, Government of India) as a Project Associate. Currently working on mathematical modeling of Global Navigation Satellite System – Reflectometry (GNSS-R) Technique and solver development for remote sensing applications in collaboration with NARL-ISRO.
Programme Chair

Dr. S. Devaraju
Senior Assistant Professor & Programme Chair
Email: devaraju.s@vitbhopal.ac.in & pc.mim@vitbhopal.ac.in
Dr. S. Devaraju is an Senior Assistant Professor G2 in the School of Computing Science and Engineering (SCSE) at VIT Bhopal University. He received his Doctorate from Anna University, an M.Phil in Computer Science from Periyar University and an MCA in Computer Applications from Periyar University. He has an academic experience of 19 years and 2 years of Industry at various levels. He has 25+ publications in peer reviewed International/National journals and has 25+ publications in various International/National Conferences. Dr. Devaraju has organized/Attended a number of Conferences, Workshops and FDP. Dr.Devaraju has published 5 patents, 8+ Book Chapters and Reviewer for various reputed Journals and Conferences. He is a lifetime member of IACSIT and ISTE, India. His area of research includes Network Security, Intrusion Detection, Soft Computing, and Wireless Communication.

Dr. Paras Jain
Associate Professor
Email: paras.jain@vitbhopal.ac.in
Dr. Paras Jain is holding the administrative position of Associate Dean Academics at VIT Bhopal University, India. He is an Associate Professor (Gr-1) in the School of Computing Science & Engineering at the University. He was awarded with Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering from Jaypee University of Engineering & Technology (JUET), Guna in the year 2015. He completed his B.E and M.E. in Computer Science and Engineering from Rajiv Gandhi Prodyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV), Bhopal in the year 2005 and 2010, respectively. Dr. Jain has more than 15 years of academic experience including 7.5 years post PhD experience. During his academic career, he has held various administrative positions such as School of Computing Sciences and Engineering (SCSE) Timetable Coordinator and member of NAAC and NBA accreditation committee, Examination coordination committee, Library Management Committee, Anti-ragging committee, etc. He has published several research papers in international journals and conferences of repute with eight SCI Indexed and four SCOPUS Indexed publications. He has two International level and two National level patents on his credits. He won the Best Paper Award for a research paper with title “An Adaptive Edge-preserving Image Denoising using Block-based Singular Value Decomposition in Wavelet Domain” presented in ICICT 2015. He has actively participated in various conferences, workshops and FDPs. Dr. Jain presently supervising one Ph.D student. Dr. Jain has also been a reviewer to various reputed International Conferences and Journals. His research interest includes Image Processing, Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Pattern recognition, with expertise in subjects like, Digital Image Processing, Theory of Computation, Compiler Design, Data Structures, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Algorithm for Advanced Analytics, Social Network Analysis for Big Data etc.
Dr. AVR Mayuri
Senior Assistant Professor
Email: mayuri2021@vitbhopal.ac.in
Dr. AVR Mayuri is currently working as Senior Assistant Professor (Grade 2) in School of Computing Science Engineering in VIT Bhopal University. Currently , she is the Division Head (I/C) for Artificial intelligence and Program Chair of Integrated M.Tech AI. She obtained her doctorate degree from Mewar University, Chittorgarh in the year 2016. She has done her M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from JNTU Hyderabad and B.E in Computer Science and Engineering from Madurai Kamaraj University in the year 2010 and 2002 respectively. In the year 2018, she has successfully completed and certified for “IUCEE International Engineering Educator Certification Program ” which focuses on improving Engineering Education. She has served in different reputed academic institutes for more than 20 years. She has nearly 12 years of research experience. She has 3 Patents and 26 Publications in Journals (indexing with SCI, WoS, Scopus) and various Int./National, IEEE Conferences. She has supervised around 15 Master’s Degree Thesis and supervising 03 Research Scholars pursuing their Ph.D. degree from VIT Bhopal University. She holds an online certification on various courses AI, ML, Software Engineering, IoT, Wireless Communications, from NPTEL & Coursera streams. Apart from academics, she also headed various administrative positions like Head of the Department, NBA coordinator, Research Coordinator and various institute level committees. Her area of research interests includes Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Data Mining, Computer Networks and IoT.