A Review on Defensive usage of Gen AI in education
Nowadays Generative AI technologies are revolutionizing the world, undoubted it had great impact on education. Many institutions banned and restricted the use of Gen AI tools due to its inaccuracy, dishonesty and harmful content.
“Is it the best way to address the rise of Gen AI?”
“Instead of prohibiting the usage of such tools, let empower the students to use it in an offensive manner. How to foster these skills to our students?”
Let us see a remarkable research on this focus:
Professor Oguz A.Acar (https://www.kcl.ac.uk/people/oguz-a-acar) posted an article about the skills needed for the students to harness Gen AI (https://hbsp.harvard.edu/inspiring-minds/are-your-students-ready-for-ai?). He proposed a PAIR (Problem, AI, Interaction, Reflection) framework to integrate the five skills such as
- Problem Formulation
- Exploration
- Experimentation
- Critical Thinking
- Willingness to reflect
into our curriculum in a defensive way. The proposed PAIR framework is as shown below:
Source: https://hbsp.harvard.edu/inspiring-minds/are-your-students-ready-for-ai?
Implementation of PAIR framework:
PAIR framework can be adopted to any existing course. Each component in the framework is adjustable and customizable.
- Problem Formulation
Three types of problem formulation:
Open inquiry – Students can choose their own problem statement.
Closed inquiry – Predefined problem given by course teachers.
Semi-open inquiry – General theme for the problem is given, students need to choose the specific one.
- Selection of AI tool
Can choose any free or free trial version tool or suggest to choose from the following list:
ChatGPT 3.5, Bing AI, Bard, Claude 2.
- Interaction
How to generate different outputs by learning basic skills to create different prompts using prompt engineering. Evaluate the different outputs and scrutinize the outputs.
- Reflection
Finally allow the students to share their Gen AI experience in the context of its impact on their learning, its influence on the tasks.
The emphasis of the practice is lies on the design of problem formulation either open or closed or semi-open. The course teacher/module designer need to consider the cognitive thinking skill of the students/participants.
List of AI Websites and Tools for Education:
- Code.org (https://code.org/)
- Glove (https://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/glove/)
- Magic School (https://www.magicschool.ai/)
- Microsoft AI for Earth (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/ai-for-earth)
- Microsoft Innovation and AI for Accessibility (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/accessibility/innovation)
- Teachable Machine (https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com/)
- The Artificial Intelligence (AI) for K-12 initiative (AI4K12) (https://ai4k12.org/)
Each Technology had its own pros and cons. Learn to use the latest technology making us live in the current stream. Let us practice and proactively use Generative AI tools.
Dr. K. Murugeswari
Program Chair
B.Tech CSE Education Technology