First International Conference on Emerging Trends inETCIA 2023VIT BHOPAL27 - 28, January, 2023Organized bySchool of Computing Science and Engineering (SCSE)VIT Bhopal University - Bhopal.Submit Paper NowComputational Intelligence and Applications-2023
First International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computational Intelligence and Applications (ETCIA 2023) addresses the rapid strides and technological advancements currently witnessed in the fields of Computational, Data Science, Health Informatics and Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering. The conference aspires to exhibit the technical excellence of budding technocrats, research scholars, representatives from the academia and industry. This conference aims to bring together the best of globally renowned research professionals.
About ETCIA 2023
The ‘First International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computational Intelligence and Applications (ETCIA 2023)’ focus is on exchanging information relating to intelligent systems and applications applied in industry, government, and all organizations worldwide. The thrust of the conference is to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of the design, development, testing, implementation, and/or management of expert and intelligent systems. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of computational intelligence and applications.

VIT Bhopal University
The VIT legacy, started from Vellore Engineering College 37 years ago under the visionary leadership of Dr. G. Viswanathan, Founder-Chancellor, to offer world-class education for the development of society. VIT Bhopal University is ably spearheaded by Dr. G. Viswanathan, Chancellor, Mr. Sankar Viswanathan, Vice President, Ms. Kadhambari S. Viswanathan, Assistant Vice President. The University is witnessing tremendous growth under the guidance of Dr. U. Kamachi Mudali, Vice-Chancellor, a renowned scientist. They share the mission to make VIT a global center of education. Starting from the 2017 academic year, the new Ultra-modern university campus, sprawling over 300 acres, is in the town of Kothrikalan District Sehore, surrounded by green, lush fields and a serene environment. This new and contemporary campus is aiming to become the primary hub of education, with leading-edge and high-tech developments in a wide variety of areas. At present, VIT Bhopal University offers core engineering programs such as Computer Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering leading to B. Tech degree, M. Tech and allied subject programs such as MSc, MCA, BBA, etc., are also offered. At VIT Bhopal University, the extra-curricular activities and employment needs of the students will be taken care of by various clubs and dedicated career development cells.

About SCSE School
The School of Computing Science and Engineering (SCSE) was established in 2017 and offer 6 UG Programmes, 5 PG Programmes and PhD in seven verticals that includes Core Computing and Applications, AI/ML, Data Science, Cloud Computing, Healthcare Informatics, Gaming and Cyber Security. We have well qualified, the experienced, diversified, specialized pool of faculty members from different states of India. Our teaching-learning is facilitated through Fully Flexible Credit System (FFCS) and Collaborative Active Learning through Technologies (CALTECH). Knowledge Acceleration is being done through Extra-Curricular and Co-Curricular Venues such as Student Clubs, Technical Chapters and Associations. The SCSE is strongly connected to the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR), Bhopal, and Central Academy for Police Training (CAPT) at Bhopal, Archeological Survey of India (ASI), Bhopal, EC Council, NASSCOM Future Skills through Tie-ups and MoU on various Outreach/Research Capacities. If your passion is for computing, you have landed at the right place. You can explore opportunities, participate and excel to create your destiny.
Thematic Areas
The ETCIA-2023 Conference themes, grouped in three tracks, are the following (but are not limited to):
- Artificial/computational intelligence
- Image processing, simulation/modelling
- Feature selection, dimension reduction, pattern classification/recognition
- Expert systems, neural networks, fuzzy logic
- Possibility theory, Bayesian networks, hidden Markov models
- Rough sets, granular computing, data mining
- Evolutionary algorithms, learning classifiers, SVM
- Swarm intelligence, ant colony optimisation
- Bioinformatics databases, data visualisation
- Gene expression, microarrays, motif/pattern discovery
- DNA assembly, clustering, mapping
- Gene identification/annotation, sequence analysis/alignment
- Molecular evolution/phylogeny, protein structure/interaction prediction
- Regulatory network/pathway analysis
- Functional genomics, structural proteomics
- Computational algorithms/tools: data mining, data integration, platforms, middleware
- Database management and database technologies
- Intelligent information systems: artificial intelligence, expert systems, embedded systems
- Data engineering applications: healthcare, financial systems
- Internet Infornomics: e-Learning, e-Commerce, e-Business, e-Government, e-society
- Internet security: biometrics, boundary issues, broadband access technologies
- Internet data management: case studies, monitoring and analysis, digital libraries
- Web search, crawling, data grids, cloud computing, web-based application
- Applications in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bioinformatics Databases
- Data visualisation
- Pattern discovery
- DNA assembly, clustering, and mapping
- Gene identification and annotation
- Parallel algorithms for biological analysis
- Biomedical image processing
- Molecular evolution and phylogeny
- Taxonomy
- Sequence analysis and alignment
- Ecological modelling
- Cell simulation and modelling
- Molecular modelling and simulation
- Mathematical immunology modelling and discovery
- Regulatory network and pathway analysis
- Functional genomics and large-scale functional genomics
- Models for cellular metabolism and inter-cellular signalling
- Genome- and proteome-scale modelling
- Analysis of protein interaction with other cellular constituents
- Protein structure and interaction prediction
- Comparative and quantitative proteomics
- Management of genomics and proteomics data
- Post-translational modification analysis
- Structural proteomics
- Communication Network and Systems, Modulation and Signal Processing for Telecommunication,
- Information Theory and Coding, Antenna and Wave Propagation,
- Wireless and Mobile Communications, Communication Electronics and Microwave,
- Wireless technologies which includes 3G And 4G Mobile communications services,
- Wireless multimedia and networks and systems, Wireless-fibre technologies,
- Telematics Services and Security Network, Vehicular Ad hoc networks,
- Energy-efficient communications, Emerging sensor technologies, Video and sensor surveillance,
- Radio Communication, Radio resource sharing in wireless networks, Cellular and Ad hoc networks,
- Mobile communication technologies, Mobile software (agents), Wireless access,
- Wireless communications antennas and propagation and transmission technologies,
- Broadband wireless technology, Cross-layer modelling and design,
- Network management contingency challenges,
- Telecommunications management and control of heterogeneous networks,
- Mobility control and mobility engineering,
- Communications networks security and wireless hacking,
- Core technologies and access technologies and networks which includes.

Associate Professor,
Senate Representative,
Information Technology/Computer Science Cluster,
Faculty of Information Science & Technology, Multimedia University,
Melaka, Malaysia.

Electrical and Computer Science school,
Manhattan College, NY, USA.

Department of Computer Science,
Alagappa University – India.

Assistant Professor,
IIITM, Jabalpur.
To be added soon….
Conference Convenor
Dr. Sathish Kumar .L,
ETCIA2023 Convenor,
School of Computing Science and Engineering,
VIT Bhopal University,
Kotri Kalan, Madhya Pradesh – 466114
Mail ID: etcia@vitbhopal.ac.in
Phone: +91 6265158363
Dr. Kanchan Lata Kashyap,
ETCIA2023 Convenor,
School of Computing Science and Engineering,
VIT Bhopal University,
Kotri Kalan, Madhya Pradesh – 466114
Mail ID: etcia@vitbhopal.ac.in
Phone: +91 7024181821