About the Programme
Computational Science has emerged as one of the niche areas in Computer Science education. This M.Tech course is designed for students who would like to become Computer Science Engineers specializing in Computational and Data Science (CDS). The study of Computational Science (i.e. Computational Systems Science) involves mastering the design, development and analysis of computational systems of high performance, distributed, cloud, parallel, scalable software and hardware. Likewise the study of Data Science involves mastering Big Data Analysis, Image Analysis, Data Visualization, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
The fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0 includes key technologies like Cloud Computing, high performance computing, Big Data Analytics, Image Analysis. This programme inculcates the above mentioned technologies and skills required for the future jobs in the IT industry. It also provides courses which develop research aspirations. VIT Bhopal has all the bells and whistles to offer this course for the student fraternity through which students can be enlightened in their professional life.

Curriculum Highlights
The programme equips the student with basic foundations in Computational and Data Sciences. It indoctrinates advanced research based skills as a master of computational and data engineering. In addition to the subjects of a B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering programme, the graduate will also learn the following subjects:
Computer vision is an interdisciplinary scientific field that deals with how computers can gain high-level understanding from digital images or videos.
Big data analytics is the use of advanced analytic techniques against very large, diverse data sets that include structured, semi-structured and unstructured data, from different sources, and in different sizes from terabytes to zettabytes.
High-performance computing (HPC) uses supercomputers and computer clusters to solve advanced computation problems. Today, computer systems approaching the teraflops-region are counted as HPC-computers.
A scalable and parallelized machine learning platform on the cloud to process large-scale data like Big Data.
Probability, statistics, matrics, linear algebra, statistical models, feature extractions. Learning supervised, unsupervised machine learning algorithms.
NASSCOM has collaborated with leading analytics companies such as Accenture, Fractal Analytics, TCS, Cap Gemini and Wipro, to name a few, and created a program that will ensure learners are ready to be absorbed by these leading companies.
If you are curious about how Big Data, NoSQL and ML platforms work internally and how to use them efficiently to store and process terabytes of data, this is the course for you.
Data visualization is the process of putting data into a chart, graph, or other visual format that helps inform analysis and interpretation.
Image analysis can include tasks such as finding shapes, detecting edges, removing noise, counting objects, and calculating statistics for texture analysis or image quality.
The programme also requires three dissertation based projects to be completed in the final semesters to enable the graduates to become industry ready.
Key Features
- Curriculum covers both aspects of Computational science and Data science.
- Academically proven students will learn skills that matches the industry expectations.
- Students will explore recent trends in research relevant to the courses in the curriculum.
- Future ready technologies, skills and tools will be part of the curriculum.
- Skills will match the dream offers job requirements.
Essential Tools
- Programming languages: C++, Java, Python, Scala, R.
- Data visualization: Tableau, PowerBI, Google Data Studio.
- Parallel & Distributed programming: Open MP, MPI, CUDA programming, C++, Python.
- AI&ML, Data science, Deep learning, Computer vision: OpenCV, Python NLTK, SCIKit, Keras.
- Big data: Hadoop, PIG, Hive, SparkML, NoSQL, MongoDB, Casandra, HBase, Kafka.
Career Prospects
Highest salary:
- For data science job: $164k (source www.whizlabs.com )
- For system (cloud) architects: $134k (www.forbes.com)
Number of jobs in 2025
- For data science job: 60 lakhs number of jobs (https://analyticsindiamag.com/).
- India to see over 10 lakh cloud computing job roles by 2022 (https://economictimes.indiatimes.com).
Market share of Computational and Data analytics business out of the whole IT industry
- Data Analytics Market In 2020: $168.8 billion (www.cognetik.com).
- The Distributed Cloud Market is forecast to reach $39 billion by 2025 (https://www.industryarc.com/).
List of top 10 companies with highest salary
- MicroSoft (Data Scientist) – INR 1,866K per year.
- Facebook (Data Scientist) – INR 1,109K per year.
- IBM (Solution – Cloud architect) – INR 1,437K per year.
- Google (Data Scientist) – INR 2,768K per year.
- Amazon (Senior system architect) – INR 1,755K per year.
- AB InBev (Data Scientist) – INR 2300K per year.
- Infosys (Solution – Cloud architect) – INR 2118K per year.

What is Computational and Data Science (CDS)? Is it the same as Data Science?
It is a combination of applying computational techniques to solve scientific problem and extracting useful information by applying statistics, machine learning techniques on the given data for prediction, decision making, basic analysis.
How Data Science is different from AI & ML?
Why should I choose Data science in VIT?
VIT Bhopal has 100% doctoral factory. The University is equipped with well-established laboratory with high end computing machines to carryout high dimensional data. All the phases of Data science namely Data preprocessing, Data Engineering, Data exploration, Feature extraction, Predictive modeling, Data visualization will be well taught through hands on sessions, tools.
High computational programming, designing is also taught to tackle the Big data and highly streaming data to cater the recent advancements and requirements.
What is the job opportunities? What is highest salary?
- For data science job: 60 lakhs number of jobs (source: https://analyticsindiamag.com/).
- For data science job: $164k (source www.whizlabs.com)
- Highly paid jobs.
Is integrated program a Master (PG) degree program?
Yes, it is a PG, Master degree program. After the completion of this degree program, it will be equivalent to a regular PG program.
What is the scope of higher studies (research)?
As it is Master’s program, the curriculum is designed in a way that perusing PhD will be easier. The curriculum has all the advanced, research oriented courses in the curriculum.
Is it a dual degree program?
No, it is not a dual degree. One will get only one degree certificate, which will be M.Tech integrated degree certificate.
Difference between Data Analytics vs Data Science.
Data Science is a high profile job compared to Data analyst. A data analyst A data analyst addresses business problems but a data scientist not just addresses business problems but picks up those problems that will have the most business value once solved.
What is High performance computing?
HPC helps engineers, data scientists, designers, and other researchers solve large, complex problems in far less time and at less cost than traditional computing.
What is the future of CDS?
Also known as parallel computing and supercomputing, high-performance computing (HPC) aggregates data processing power to deliver efficient, reliable, and rapid result, which is the future computing technology.
Data Science has tremendous applications not just limited to one field. Its applications are distributed across various sectors. Automobile Industry, Healthcare, Army and Weapons, Power and Energy, Banking and Finance, Scientific research etc.