Our Faculty

Dr. Gunjan Ansari
Associate Professor, Program Chair.
Email: pc.bcg@vitbhopal.ac.in
Dr. Sathish Kumar L.
Senior Assistant Professor,
Email: sathish.kumar@vitbhopal.ac.in
Dr. Sathish Kumar L. is working as a Senior Assistant Professor G-I in the Gaming Division, School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT Bhopal University. Dr. Sathish completed his Ph.D., in Computer Science at Alagappa University, Karaikudi. He has 12 years of academic experience and more than 35 research publications in refereed international and national journals and conferences. Dr. Sathish has two international patents and one design patent to his credit and has received two awards for his research and academic contributions. He has published six textbooks entitled Desktop Publishing, Desktop Publishing Second Edition, Artificial Intelligence, Data Communication and Networking, Java Programming, and Think by Python. He has completed consulting project work in “Text Archaeology with Tagged Indian Languages” with Asia University, Taiwan. He is taking E-Learning courses that are Mobile Game Development Basics, Intermediate, and Advanced. He is a reviewer for leading SCI and Scopus-indexed journals like Wireless Networks Journal, Springer, Alexandria Engineering Journal, Elsevier, IET Electronics Letters, and Ad-hoc Sensor Wireless Networks Journal, Old City Publishing, etc. He has been a resource person/session chair for a number of international conferences. He is a lifetime member of IEEE and a life member of IAENG. He is an active researcher in the fields of medical image processing, deep learning, machine learning, and data science.

Dr. Vikas Panthi
Assistant Professor
Email: vikas.panthi@vitbhopal.ac.in
Dr. Vikas Panthi, completed his M.Tech and PhD. from the Department of Computer Science & Engineering (Specialization: Software Engineering), National Institute of Technology (NIT) Rourkela, in 2012 and 2017, respectively. During his tenure as a PhD Research Scholar, he worked as a teaching assistant and was involved in the development of Distributed Object- Oriented System (DOS) laboratory. Dr. Panthi has an academic experience of more than 3 years in University Department, Rajasthan Technical University Kota, Rajasthan. He was active member of BOS, RTU Kota and Exam section, CSE Deptt. UD RTU Kota. He has more than 16 SCI and Scopus publications in various peer reviewed Conferences and Journals. He is a reviewer with notable journals like Information and Software Technology, Elsevier, IEEE Access, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), TENCON-2016- 17, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, Springer etc. His areas of research interest include Test Case Generation and Optimization, Bio-inspired Algorithm based Optimization, MC/DC Testing.
Dr. Kannan Shanmugam
Assistant Professor, Senior
Email: kannanshanmugam@vitbhopal.ac.in

Dr. Ashok Kumar Patel
Assistant Professor
Email: mailto:ashok.patel@vitbhopal.ac.in
Dr. M. Maragatharajan
Assistant Professor
Email: maragatharajan@vitbhopal.ac.in

Dr. E. Nirmala
Senior Assistant Professor
Email: nirmala.e@vitbhopal.ac.in
Mrs. Jayanthi J
Assistant Professor
Email: jayanthi@vitbhopal.ac.in
Mrs. Jayanthi J is pursuing her Ph.D. from Anna University, Chennai and M.Tech(CSE) B.Tech(IT) completed from Pondicherry Central University. She has over 10 years experience in the field of academic and research in reputed Universities like Anna University, Lovely Professional University, Parul University and KARE. She is currently working as Assistant Professor with Vellore Institute of Technology-Bhopal. Her core areas of expertise include Heritage imaging Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Leaning, Image Processing and Computer Vision, Big Data analytics, Natural Language Processing and Data visualization. She was involved in a project related to implementing in agriculture field and Heritage field. She has qualified for the UGC/NET exam. She has published 1 patent and more than thirty papers in international journals and conferences.