A branch like Bioengineering is like a small new leaf on a tree, which is developed because of the constant work and evolution of the tree throughout. The course of bioengineering might be new to the world but its roots are age old and very deep in the scientific world. The need to unite the two diverse fields of sciences – Biology and Engineering was felt and they were collaborated after World War-II
We all have been using engineering models and theorems in biological fields since a very long time, like collaboration of mechanical engineering and medical sciences for development of artificial limbs, amalgamation of material science engineering and cytobiology for development of better adaptable material for human development, electrical and electronics engineering combined with life sciences to develop devices like artificial pacemakers, dialysis machine and various other sensors.
Until now the engineers and the life science scientist or medical practitioner would collaborate on these various fields but now specialized engineers with vast knowledge of both the two main branches of sciences are ready to develop new age technologies to aid human health and studies.
The bioengineering course had been a Post Graduate course until now, and was offered only in very selective institutes in India and abroad. But with introduction of B-tech course in Bioengineering at VIT, Bhopal; the University has provided young and active minds of the country to showcase and exhibit their ideas and wide knowledge base into this field of engineering. The perfect amalgamation of Biology and Engineering will lead our country to become a developed superpower from a developing country. The blend of two minds of biology and engineering can help in eradicating the real-world problems on environment and health, leading all of us towards a better future.
The discovery of field like bioengineering is ahead of its time and if the opportunity is given any sane and innovative mind should jump in to grab it and excel in this field of untouched science and discover new and exciting field of work, living your passion and helping the world both at same time!!
Shreya Sinha, 2nd year B. Tech. Bioengineering