Our Faculty
Programme Chair
Dr. Anjali Mathur
Associate Professor & Programme Chair
Email: pc.mca@vitbhopal.ac.in
Dr. Anjali Mathur the Program Chair of MCA in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, VIT Bhopal University, India. Her areas of specializations are Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science. Dr. Anjali Mathur has completed her Ph.D in 2014. She is having 24 research publications including SCI/SCIE, WoS, Scopus and peer reviewed International/ National Journals and conferences. Dr. Mathur and her team published a patent titled “Hyper-tuned hard ensemble classification algorithm for phishing websites “. She is a reviewer for the journals “NEURAL NETWORKS” and “Expert Systems With Applications” and has completed more than 30 peer reviews. Dr. Anjali Mathur was an invited Speaker for Residential Training Programs at Andhra Pradesh Human Resource Development Institute (APHRDI), a Govt. body. She was invited for the Expert Talks on “Data Science” at JupyterCon-2020, an annual fest of Jupyter.org. She has been an expert speaker in various Faculty Development Programs and functioned as a session chair for IEEE Conferences.

Assistant Professor Senior Grade I
Email: baseera.a@vitbhopal.ac.in
Dr. Baseera A is an Assistant Professor Senior in School of Computing Science & Engineering, VIT Bhopal University, India. She is an alumni of Anna university, Chennai, University of Madras, and Sacred Heart College. She has worked in Anna University, Bangalore University and Goa University as well. Altogether she has a teaching experience of 15+ years. Her research interests include E-Learning , Cloud computing, IOT, Machine Learning.