Posters have become an increasingly popular method for presentation in which the
participants should demonstrate their innovative ideas to showcase their talents.
31st Jul to 3rd Aug 2024INDUSTRY CONCLAVE 2024VIT BHOPAL"Building Bridges for Mutual Growth and Innovation"
31st Jul to 3rd Aug 2024INDUSTRY CONCLAVE 2024CREATIVE LAYOUT"Building Bridges for Mutual Growth and Innovation"
Poster Presentation
General Guidelines
- The poster presentation is open to all undergraduate/postgraduate students and Research Scholars.
- No Registration Fees for Participants.
- All the participants will receive the participation certificates.
- Team size: one member or maximum of three members.
- Each team should submit only one presentation and one student can participate in only one team.
The poster presentation shall be aligned to any of the following thematic domains:
Immersive Technology
Green Architecture
Healthcare System
IoT And Robotics
Sustainable Electricity
Space Propulsion
Generative AI
Cyber-Physical System
Data Science In ML
Tips for Poster Preparation:
- Posters should stimulate discussion, don’t give a long presentation. Therefore, keep text to a minimum, emphasize graphics, and make sure every item included in your poster is necessary.
- Utilize handouts to supplement your poster.
- Goal: 20% text, 40% graphics, 40% space.
- Make sure ideas flow logically from one section to the next.
- Use charts and graphs to illustrate data (avoid large tables of raw data).
- Use high resolution photographs (web images often will not work).
- Do not use all capital letters.
- Be consistent.
- Keep consistent margins.
- Keep line spacing consistent.
- Keep the color, style, and thickness of borders the same.
- Keep shading consistent.
- Pick no more than 2–3 fonts
- Pick no more than 2–3 colours
- Template
Deadline for submission : 28-07-2024 11:55 PM
Selection and evaluation details:
1. The first level of screening will be conducted by internal members by reviewing the submitted document (Poster).
2. All selected teams should present their poster presentation in person to the internal experts as per the provided schedule.
3. Evaluation will be done by the internal expert team.
4. Any violation of above stated guidelines leads to disqualification.
5. Selected teams in the first round should showcase their posters to external committee members (Industry) on 3rd August 2024. (Time: 10:00 AM – 03:00 PM) in the provided venue.
6. The best five posters will receive “BEST POSTER AWARD”
Coordinators team
Faculty Coordinator:
Dr. Mahendran B
Associate Professor & Assistant Dean Research
Dr. Avirup Das
Senior Assistant Professor & Program Chair(Ph.D)