An industrial visit to Eicher Tractors, Bhopal was organized on 27-04-18 from the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SEEE). The session was delivered by Mr. Krishna Kumar Yaduwanshi from HR department. Overall, students were sensitized about understanding the real time production line and various testing carried out in manufacturing industry.
EEE: Industry Experts and Collaborations

An expert lecture was conducted for students of EEE branch on Motors and Energy Conservation of Motors. This expert lecture was conducted by Mr. Nikhil Kaushik associated with Petroleum Conservation & Research Association (PCRA) on 11th Sept 2019.

An expert lecture was conducted for students of EEE branch from School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SEEE) on Electrical Drives and Control. This expert lecture was conducted by Mr. Nickhill Kaushik on 16th Dec. 2019.

The School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SEEE) went for an industrial visit to MP Power Trans. Co. Ltd. (MPPTCL). Engineers from the institute briefed about the various activities carried out at the substation. Further, the engineers took the students for a field visit where they showed the incoming line DP and explained about the different components in the substation including the power transformers, circuit breakers, lightning arrestors, etc.
Executive Advisory Board
Shri Yugal Agrawal
Joint Director, CPRI Bhopal
Dr. Shailendra Jain
Director, SLIET Punjab
Dr. R. K. Nema
Professor, MANIT Bhopal
Dr. Sanjeev Singh
Associate Professor, MANIT Bhopal