Our Faculty

Dr. Venkat Prasad Padhy
Associate Professor & Division Head.
Email: venkat.prasad@vitbhopal.ac.in
Programme Chairs

Dr. G. Prabu Kanna
Program Chair Lead
Email: pc.aiml@vitbhopal.ac.in

Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mishra
Senior Assistant Professor & Programme Chair
Email: pc.aiml@vitbhopal.ac.in

Dr. Rajit Nair
Senior Assistant Professor and Programme Chair
Email: pc.aiml@vitbhopal.ac.in

Associate Professor
Email: nilamadhab.mishra@vitbhopal.ac.in
Dr. Mishra is an Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, AI-ML Division, at VIT Bhopal University, India. He received his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Computer Science & Information Engineering with a specialization in Data Science & Machine Learning from Chang Gung University, Taiwan. He has more than 20 years of national and international involvement in academic teaching and research at recognized Indian, Taiwanese, and African universities. He has over 50 publications in SCI/SCIE and SCOPUS-indexed journals, ISBN books and chapters, Indian and Australian patents, IEEE conference proceedings, and others. He has served as a reviewer, associate editor, and editorial board member for SCI/SCIE-indexed journals and conferences. Dr. Mishra worked on multiple funded research projects from the MOST, NSC, and CGU Memorial Hospital, Taiwan, during his Ph.D. and has been involved with several professional bodies: “CSI” Life Member; “ORCID” Member; “IAENG” Member; Fellow Member of “ISROSET”; Fellow Member of “ISRD”; Senior Member of “ASR” (Hong Kong); Senior Member of “IEDRC” (Hong Kong); and Member of “IEEE Collabratec”. Moreover, Dr. Mishra qualified in the Test of English as International Communication; was featured as a Top Author in PubFacts.com 2018; and was recorded in the World Book of Researchers 2018 published in Oxford, United Kingdom. He is currently an Associate Editor for two SCOPUS-indexed journals, and his research interests span the areas of AI, Data Science, Machine Learning, and Cognitive Analytics & Applications.
Dr. Lakshmi D
Senior Associate Professor
Email: lakshmi.d@vitbhopal.ac.in

Dr. Komarasamy G
Associate Professor
Dr. Komarasamy G is a Doctorate from Anna University, Chennai, M.E in Computer Science and Engineering from Kongu Engineering College and B.E in Computer Science and Engineering from Bannari Amman Institute of Technology. He has an academic experience of 16 years and currently he is working as Senior Associate Professor at School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal. He has 31 publications, in peer reviewed International / National journals with high impact factor and he has 29 publications in various International and National Conferences held in India. He was received six awards like India Book of Records, ACS Publication Award, InSc Research Excellence Award, InSc Student Projects Programme, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Life Time Achievement National Award and Innovative Research Excellent Academician Award. He is passionate about Teaching and guiding students for both UG, PG and PhD programmes. Presently, two PhD scholar completed their research work, and guiding 2 research scholars under Anna University, Chennai and 5 research scholars under JAIN (Deemed-To-Be- University), Bangalore. He has organized 57 events and attended 84 events like seminar, workshop, conference, FDP and Video Conferencing. He was completed a two consultancy projects like Doctor Application and Mobile Application and portal for Handicapped persons. He served as Editorial board member for many journals. He is a professional member in IAENG, ISTE, CSTA, IFERP and IACSIT. He received many research grants from various funding agencies like DRDO, CSIR, ICMR, DST and AICTE for organizing events and developing projects. In the teaching learning process he used CLM –RBT methods to make the students understand the concepts better. He also chaired National and International Conference and Symposiums. He contributed his services as a resource person in various workshops, conference and Faculty development Programs. He also served various Academic responsibilities like PG Coordinator, Research Coordinator, SIG (Small Interested Group) In-charge, college level APPs development club In- charge, NBA coordinator, NIRF In-charge, Short Term Course In-charge, Academic Audit committee member, Lab In-charge, College Web Page Update In-charge, Time Table In-charge, Placement Coordinator, ISO Internal Auditor, Class advisor, Infosys Campus Connect programme In-charge and member in BoS and Alumni Executive Committee member, Disciplinary committee and Question Paper Analysis Committee.
Dr. S. Saravanan
Programme Chair and Senior Assistant Professor
Email: saravanan.s@vitbhopal.ac.in
Dr.Saravanan. S, Currently employed as an Assistant Professor Senior Grade. School of Computing Science and Engineering at VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal. He received a Doctorate degree from Anna University Chennai in the year 2018. He has graduated (BE&ME) in Computer Science and Engineering from Anna University, Chennai . He has 16+ years of academic and research experience. He has published 26 peer-reviewed papers in national and international journals. He has the author of 5 patents. His areas of interest are Cloud computing and Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning.

Manoj Kumar
Teaching Assistant
Email: manojkumar@vitbhopal.ac.in
Mr. Manoj Kumar is working as an assistant professor at VIT Bhopal. He received the M.Tech Degree in Computer Science & Engineering from MDU Rohtak Haryana. He did B.Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering from U.P.T.U. Lucknow in 2005. He is pursuing Ph.D. in CSE from Amity University Gwalior in the domain “Gait analysis”. He has 14 years of teaching experience in the different states of India. He has 8 publications in national and international journals/conferences. His research area includes Machine learning, Gait Analysis, and Image processing. He has received the Srijan award of best faculty in 2016 and 2019, organized by MPCST.
Dr.Anil Kumar Yadav
Assistant Professor
Email: anilkumar.yadav@vitbhopal.ac.in
Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav is a Doctorate in Computer Science & Engineering from IFTM University, Moradabad and MTech in Information Technology from SATI Vidisha. He has over thirteenth years’ experience in the field of academics. His core areas of expertise include reinforcement learning, guidance and control of unmanned vehicle, geo spatial artificial intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT). He was involved in a project related to implementing IOT enabled U-C based Self-Actuated Chain Conveyor Disinfection System for Sanitization of Surface of Goods. Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav is currently working as Assistant Professor with Vellore Institute of Technology-Bhopal. He has published more than thirty papers in international journals and conferences and various seminars organized by professional bodies and industry associations worldwide and He has also published several patents. He has received the-Srinivasa Ramanujan Life Time Achievement National Award 2019 for Innovations in Research by IRDP Chennai. He has authored two Text book titled on Data Structures with C program and Fundamentals of Web Technology in ARCLER PRESS International Publishing Canada. He has been actively participating as a reviewer in some of the international journals and a Professional Member of International Association of Engineers (IAENG) Hong Kong and ACM, Computer Science Teachers Association, USA.

Dr. Rudra Kalyan Nayak
Assistant Professor
Email: rudrakalyan.nayak@vitbhopal.ac.in
Dr. Rudra Kalyan Nayak is an Assistant Professor (Grade-2) in the School of Computing Science & Engineering at VIT Bhopal University. He has served recently in KL (Deemed to be University), Andhra Pradesh. He has 12+ years of experience in teaching, mentoring and research. He did his research in the domain of Financial Engineering and earned his Doctorate in Computer Science & Engineering from Siksha ’O’ Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. He completed his M.Tech in Information Technology from the same University. Dr. Nayak has 7 numbers of Patents including 2 granted Australian Patents. He has authored 2 books and 1 book chapter. To his credit, he has more than 34 international publications in reputed journals and IEEE/Springer conference proceedings. He has also authored an article in IEEE India Council Newsletter. He has been Research Progress Assessment Committee (RPAC) Member and active PhD-review panel member in the Dept. of CSE in the former University. Dr. Nayak has been an expert speaker in one Faculty Development Programme. He has been a Reviewer in several peer-reviewed Journals and Conferences. His research area includes Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Financial Engineering, Bioinformatics and Computer Vision. He has received various awards such as: 100 Eminent Academicians of 2021, Dynamic Teacher of the Year 2019, I2OR Preeminent Researcher Award 2019 and Green ThinkerZ Bright Educator Award 2019. Dr. Nayak is a professional member of ACM, CSTA, IAENG, ICSES, the IRED, SDIWC and life member of ISTE. He has also been Honorary Rosalind Member of London Journals Press.
Mr. Shiv Shankar Prasad Shukla
Teaching Assistant
Email: shivshankar.prasad@vitbhopal.ac.in
Mr. Shiv Shankar Prasad Shukla is a pursuing PhD from National Institute of Technology Patna and M.Tech in Computer Science Engineering from Jaypee
University of Information Technology, Wakhnaghat Himachal Pradesh. He had completed his BE in Computer Technology from Priyadharshini College of
Engineering RTM Nagpur University. He has an academic and research experience of 10 years and has worked at various known institutes and universities such As
JPTC Rewa, ICFAI University Jharkhand etc. He has various publications, indexed by the Scopus, DBLP, Google citations and peer reviewed journals. He had attended
and presented various research papers in national and international conferences. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning,
Data Science etc. He has served as reviewer in many reputed journals and conferences, delivered lectures in faculty development programmes workshop and
expert talk.

Dr.Vinesh Kumar
Senior Assistant Professor
Email: vinesh.kumar@vitbhopal.ac.in
Dr.Ankur Jain
Assistant Professor
Email: ankur.jain@vitbhopal.ac.in
Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Embedded system design, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Engineering, Digital forensic, Autonomous driving, Industrial Automation and Control system.

Dr. Siddharth Singh Chouhan
Assistant Professor
Email: siddharth.singh@vitbhopal.ac.in
Ms. Geeta Singh
Assistant Professor
Email: geetasingh@vitbhopal.ac.in

Dr. Nancy Kumari
Assistant Professor
Email: nancykumari@vitbhopal.ac.in
Dr. Nancy Kumari received her Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from VIT Vellore, Tamil Nādu, India; M.Tech. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Galgotia’s University, U.P., India; and B.Tech. in Information Technology from the Women’s Institute of Technology, India. She has an academic experience of 3 years and has also worked for the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC); she has authored many impact-factor journal papers with reputed publishers like Elsevier, Springer, and Wiley. In addition to that, she has published many conference papers and book chapters to her credit. During her Ph.D., she received the Raman Research Award from VIT, Vellore, for publishing research papers in reputed journals. She is acting as a reviewer for some international journals. Dr. Nancy has been a keynote speaker in various faculty development programs and has organized several workshops. She is associated with many professional bodies, including CSI, ISTE, IMS, AMTI, CSTA, IEEE, and IAENG. Her current research interests include computational intelligence, soft computing, bioinspired algorithms, data analytics, ambient intelligence, reinforcement learning, and healthcare informatics.

Mr. Jitendra Parmar
Assistant Professor
Email: jitendraparmar@vitbhopal.ac.in
Dr. Abdul Rahman
Associate Professor
Email: abdulrahman@vitbhopal.ac.in

Dr. Amrita Parashar
Assistant Professor
Email: amritaparashar@vitbhopal.ac.in
Dr. Mohd Rafi Lone
Assistant Professor
Email: mohdrafilone@vitbhopal.ac.in

Dr. Mohd Rafi Lone
Assistant Professor
Email: mohdrafilone@vitbhopal.ac.in